Amethyst Platform

Geek stuff alert! Proceed with caution..

Amethyst Platform wanted to be a high tech platform for container and application orchestration, in a straight forward mode.

It started from a personal need to deploy and host applications quickly, without having to setup the whole CI/CD pipeline, deployments, databases, etc.

But I gave up on it after a few months of working on it because:

  1. It was a product that was addressing a critical segment for companies, meaning that the long term commitment for this project must be at a maximum. Profesionally, I wasn't there as I was (and currently am) involved 100% with Vuuh as their CTO.
  2. I was basically reinventing Kuberntes, and after a few iteration I basically ended up inventing another YAML specification language on top of the Kubernetes YAML. Baically a Kuberntes wrapper.