Tech without the Hype

Let's get your tech started.

I am the kind of tech enthusiast that seeks the value in the new trends that emerge and I want to make sure businesses don't fall into the traps of hyped up trends but with no tangible value.

Too many technical minded people fall trap to the "Shiny Object Syndrome" and think it's a shame.

  • Artificial Intelligence? Some say it's gonna replace everyone and it's a must to integrate it into your business, let it run your finances, marketing, sales, development, etc. I know its limitations and I know it has specific use cases where you can live with less than perfect results. That means absolutely don't let it touch anything number related.
  • Blockchain and crypto? Some try to sell it as the financial model of the future but I know it's just noise and a quick way to make money at the expense of others. If you need its properties, I'll setup a database for you instead and make it openly available for the world to connect to it and see the data it stores.
  • Search Engine Optimization? Some might need it, some might not, it depends on the nature of the business. But even that comes in all kinds of flavors and there's no one size fits all solution. If you're more local it's important to make sure you show up on maps. If you're global, it's important to show up in searches.
  • Automation? It might work, but with tools like Zapier, n8n or Make which are paid services, you need to figure out if it's worth it and how reliable you need it to be. Some more complex flows are just easier to automate with code rather than no-code tools like these ones.
  • In some cases, your tech upgrade could just be switching from pen and paper to Google Sheets. If that's going to increase the output of some process by 10% then it's worth it. No need to spend a lot of money on integrating a complex ERP to achieve the same results.

Are you a small business?

I can help you get your tech in place.

Let's discuss your needs, and make a plan based on how your operations look like.

Let's identify the bottlenecks and get your operations more efficient. I am a fan of the 80-20 principles and thus I always seek to find the most impactful changes.

Are you a medium or large business?

I can help you navigate technology and integrations.

Many businesses that are more traditional don't have technical departments and usually rely on external agencies to handle their tech workloads.

But I find often that the incentives between them are misaligned: agencies need to drag out the work as long as possible in order to bill more hours so they won't prioritize the best work time-wise, and the companies which employ them need the best solutions ready fast.

I will help you navigate this technical landscape, suggest more efficient approaches and make sure the agencies deliver value. I can even help you build up your own internal tech team and get it started.

Are you a founder?

I can help you get your MVP ready fast, by optimizing as much as I can the development process. Just to get started and get the concept validated, you don't need to spend thousands of dollars on developers to reinvent all the wheels.

Authentication has been already figured out.

Hosting has been already figured out.

Databases have been already figured out.

With the right technical approach and a business oriented person, you can get from zero to MVP real fast and with very low costs. If the idea doesn't work out, you scrape the project and move on. It's not a life altering failure. It's just a learning experience.

Why me?

I'm the CTO of Vuuh, a data company working with clients of all sizes in the fashion industry. I have plenty of experience with the startup grind, I know and enjoy the unpredictable nature of businesses and I'm all about smart risk taking and getting things done.

What I know:

  • time is money
  • decisions need to be done now rather than later. A good enough decision taken now and adjusted in the future is better than a perfect decision taken later.
  • speed is key
  • businesses are built on trust between people (founders-employees, employees-clients, employees-employees, company-clients, etc).
  • acting in smaller increments takes you further than planning for long singular leaps

As the acting CTO of Vuuh, my time is limited and I am willing to work with you outside regular work hours (RO time). As long as we can work around that and you're ok with that, let's talk!

I specialize in e-commerce (especially in fashion industry), but I'm looking forward to explore other industries as well.

Data, automation, technical strategy and architecture are my bread and butter so that's where I'm going to focus on. When needed I'll look at other areas too, but some more specialized opinions might be needed (eg. SEO, copywriting, logistics, etc).

Send me an email at and start inspecting your tech needs.