I am involved in more projects, solo or not, full time or on the side. But here is a complete overview of my projects, past and present.
Tool for managing and facilitating the product data transfer between the brands and retailers, in the fashion industry. Website:

Quest of the Hero
A fantasy based arcade strategy PC game for Steam with great min-maxing potential. Fast paced, quick, for short gaming sessions. Website: Status: Activ Stack: Godot

Status: active, currently not in focus Website: Stock photos made with AI. I am building a stock photos website, powered by AI. Maybe it sounds dumb because people can just generate their images on MidJourney or via ChatGPT nowdays, so what use can Photozilla have? Indeed, most

The Gift Reel
A mobile focused app for gift idea generation, with affiliate based monetization. Recommendation powered by AI. Website: TBD Current Status: prototype & validation in progress
The Tech Bubble
Un proiect de conținut despre industria IT românească și nu numai. Ca actual CTO @, un startup danez de tehnologie pentru industria fashion, am acumulat experiențe și ca programator-ul “din linia întâi”, dar și ca manager și decision maker în ceea ce privește strategia tehnică, de produs și finanțele

API for validating email addresses / Extra smart email filter for blocking unsolicited emails
Amethyst Platform
Geek stuff alert! Proceed with caution.. Amethyst Platform voia să fie o platformă high-tech pentru orchestrare de containere și aplicații, într-un mod cât mai transparent. Am pornit de la o nevoie personală. Dar am renunțat pentru că după câteva luni de dezvoltare, am realizat că: 1. Era un produs care

- UPPI - platform for building restaurant websites, kind of a Shopify for restaurants.
- RichWeb - structured knowledege graph about companies, people, places, etc, similar to Wikidata, accessible through an easy to use API
- DevXBlog - blogging platform for developer blogs, centered around markdown. I hosted on it for a short period, before I shut it down.
- Real Estater - aggregator for real estate postings for the Romanian real estate market
- Bomberman Code Showdown - a mini Bomberman game where players play by creating scripts for automating the characters. Made for an internal hackaton at Vuuh:
- Plains of Dreams - A game inspirted by Don't Starve, but with an extra dark story. It isn't completely abandoned, I plan to return to it one day.
- Citybreak with me - a travelling and touristic information platform, where the information was presented for countries, cities together with different touristic objectives, restaurants, etc. The final idea was for it to generate personalized itineraries for people based on length of the excursion, types of things they want to see, types of food they want to eat, etc.